Functional Medicine
Restorative Wellness MD provides treatments and therapies to improve overall wellness based on the principles of Functional Medicine
In the United States, most people tend to practice what is known as reactive medicine. This means that health institutions encourage patients to wait until they have a health problem to then, seek medical attention, treat symptoms with medication, and have surgeries. Here at Restorative Wellness MD, we place an emphasis on the concept of functional medicine. Functional medicine is about wellness. It is a form of preventative medicine, meaning the goal is to get patients to better understand the body and all its connectivity & cooperation between its systems & organs. Functional medicine’s priorities lie in maintaining the body in the most advantageous manner. It is looking at the interaction between genetics, diet, hormone imbalance, toxin exposures, infections, and psychological factors (discovering the root cause of the broken biochemistry). It is possible to overcome problems created by genetic predisposition by using nutritional interventions. Repair, renewal, and rejuvenation of the body are all done by giving its cells the proper foundation they need to heal. In other words, when there is a health issue, it is about realizing there are countless ways in which we can support our bodies.
To illustrate the concept of functional medicine, think of a tree, and keeping it healthy. It is done by supporting the roots and soil, the foundation of the tree. It is not done by spraying it with easy fix solutions or treating it once it is already diseased. This is ineffective because the chances of the tree’s recovery and survival are already stifled from the lack of proper preventative measures. The problem with conventional medicine is that it continues to only treat the “leaves and branches” of the tree. It never gets to the root of the problem or condition that ails it.
In functional medicine, what we care about is the FOUNDATION of your health, made up of the following lifestyle factors:
- Proper nutrition with healthy blood sugars and weight management
- A healthy gastrointestinal tract supporting the absorption of nutrients & detoxification
- Control of inflammation and repair
- Management of stress and anxiety
- Clean living and the avoidance of toxins
- Exercise
- Sleep
- Genetics
- Relationships and Career
Auto-immune disorders, cancer, and chronic inflammatory disorders are all treated through functional medicine principles. By supporting and perpetuating a healthy immune system, not blocking it. We do this by diagnosing and managing nutritional deficiencies, implementing proper weight management, educating patients on clean living, by removing triggers (avoiding the inappropriate creation of “abnormal proteins” in a sensitive immune system), and dealing with stress itself.
Our team is determined to inform and educate patients about functional medicine and its methods that can be utilized to improve patients’ lives. Symptoms of chronic disease & illness recede when the body’s primary functions are fortified. Dr. Kissel finds biochemistry to be fascinating and is enthusiastic about the many applications it has for wellness. She is excited to share this information with you and is eager to help you reach peak bodily functionality.
If you are interested in learning more about how a functional approach to medicine can impact your life, give us a call at (513) 206-9705. You can also email us at, or leave us a message on our CONTACT US page. We will get back to you as soon as we can! Thank you for choosing Restorative Wellness MD as a guide on your journey to a better you! We look forward to hearing from you!