Diet & Weight Loss

Healthy weight follows a healthy life. Weight is not just calories in – calories out. Healthy Diet, Nutrition & Weight Loss at Restorative Wellness MD of Cincinnati

In our society, many people are overweight. Our busy lifestyles, the way our food is presented & packaged, social settings, toxin exposures, and the way our food is manufactured in the United States all support weight gain. From the very beginning, our bodies were designed to store fat so that we would have something to sustain our bodies in times where no food was available. Unfortunately, we still have the inclination to store and keep fat, even though we do not usually find ourselves in these circumstances and food is readily available to us. While convenient, many of the ingredients in today’s packaged and processed foods contribute to fat production and storage. That is why, as consumers, we have a duty to be informed about what we put into our bodies when choosing groceries and planning out our daily meals & snacks.

Over the last 20 years, a shift to low fat diets with an obligate increase in carbohydrates has caused an alarming increase in weight in the United States. With so many different dietary books and programs available to us, it is hard to know what will actually work for you. It can be exhausting and overwhelming whenever you take your health into your own hands, but that should not be the case. That’s why we prefer to keep things simple here at Restorative Wellness MD.

Healthy food choices provide the necessary nutrients needed for an efficient metabolism. It is not just about calories in and calories out, as simply counting calories is ineffective. There is no single application, or “silver bullet” for weight loss. Weight loss is multi-factorial. These factors include an enriched diet, a suitable amount of physical activity, balanced hormones, restorative sleep, and clean living (avoiding toxins). Committing to these lifestyle changes can be a difficult process. But, when these components are implemented into your life, in the right way, it can result in a wonderful metamorphosis!

The foundation of weight loss is to avoid simple carbohydrates and empty calories. The weight loss diet must be centered around organic, properly grown foods. This means an intake of adequate healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, and water. In other words, we place an emphasis on; increasing organic vegetables and fruits, eating quality grass fed & free-range sources of protein, and avoiding food intolerances that increase inflammation.

From beginning to end, we will guide you through understanding the ideal food choices for your body. However, you also need to understand when supplemental support is necessary. That is why supplements can also be utilized as a valuable piece of your weight loss puzzle. Knowing how to make the correct daily choices that maximize the functionality of your metabolism is crucial. As more than 90 percent of Americans are deficient in at least eleven nutrients. Selecting the right nutraceuticals is important. That is why we carry an array of supplements from a multitude of companies.

While the first major step to achieving & maintaining a healthy weight begins with getting your body to function proficiently, our team is also well versed in fitness and exercise. We recommend a consistent combination of aerobics, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and strengthening & flexibility exercises. Quality movements do not have to be rigorous. We focus on developing exercise plans that accommodate each client’s physical prowess. Simple things done on a regular basis can promote complex changes. It does not have to be difficult, and we are committed to cultivating something that is right for you.

Another thing that is crucial to successful weight loss is a healthy thyroid. It is the chief regulator of the metabolism and is also responsible for sustaining sufficient amounts of the adrenal hormone, cortisol. The thyroid is also tied to stress, abdominal weight gain, and support of insulin sensitivity. Balancing your sex hormones not only helps you shed unwanted pounds that are brought on by menopause & andropause, but it also helps regenerate and restore healthy tissues. Balanced hormones help stabilize mood & behavioral issues and support restorative sleep. All of which are necessary to attain and sustain your weight loss goals.

Next, let us consider toxin exposure. Toxins are stored in fat, which leads to an increased bodily exposure that makes it troublesome to shed unwanted pounds. Limiting exposure to processed foods, pesticides, plastics, heavy metals, and other endocrine disruptors has a direct impact on weight loss. We will craft a personalized plan to improve your gastrointestinal health that once implemented, will expel irritants and toxins from the body.

While not an immediate recommendation for all clients, some may be candidates for a gastric bypass procedure. Following gastric bypass, maintenance of weight loss is sabotaged by nutritional deficiencies, poor metabolism, and a subsequent lack of energy & motivation. Should a client be recommended this procedure, our team is equipped to answer any questions one might have about what it entails, both before and after. (Note: All candidates should seek consultation from Dr. Kissel, or another health care provider prior to scheduling the procedure.)

If you are interested in learning more about how we can help with your weight loss journey, give us a call at (513) 206-9705. You can also email us at, or leave us a message on our CONTACT US page. We will get back to you as soon as we can! Thank you for choosing Restorative Wellness MD as a guide on your journey to a better you! We look forward to hearing from you!